postheadericon What is Yoga?

Yoga is a type of meditation that contains mental and physical exercises designed to help you gain a sense of relaxation and well being. It is estimated that the practice has been around in India for about 5000 years. It is thought that the creation of yoga was inspired by watching animals stretching and noting their increased energy and alertness.

The word yoga means “union” in Sanskrit, from the word “yoke”. Yoga helps increase total self awareness by uniting the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Yogis view the mind and the body as one, and believe that if it is given the right tools, it can find harmony and heal itself.

Hatha yoga, the most popular form of yoga in the west, teaches techniques of physical control through postures known as asanas, and breathing techniques known as pranayama. The postures in asanas help the body to be more supple, whereas the breathing exercise in pranayama help increase the body’s energy.

Regular practice of asanas and pranayama will help you have a more balanced mindset. You will be less prone to mood swings, and have a more positive outlook on life.

Yoga can also help you become more aware of your body’s posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you to relax even when in stressful situations.

Yoga is not a contest. Instead yoga favors quiet, consistent application over superficial accomplishments. Yoga begins by accepting our limitations, and working with this as a base to improve upon.

Try this really simple yoga technique right now…

Stand up and take a long slow deep breath and hold it in. Now stand on your tip toes and make yourself as tall as you can, with your hands reaching as high as you can, with your fingers stretched wide apart. Hold this pose for a few seconds…Now breath out slowly as you return to a normal standing position. Repeat this again. Stand on your tip toes and make yourself as tall as you can, with your hands reaching as high as you can, and your fingers stretched wide apart. Hold this pose for a few seconds…Now breath out slowly as you return to a normal standing position. You can repeat this as many times as you wish.

You should notice that you immediately feel happier, more energized yet also more relaxed even after just a few repetitions. Congratulations, you have just experienced the benefits of yoga!

If you decide to continue practicing yoga, you can enjoy the benefits of feeling fitter, more energetic, happier and more at peace at all times in your life – not just when practicing yoga.

9 Responses to “What is Yoga?”

  • I bought a book on yoga poses ten years ago and began doing the exercises. Between the poses and breathing I could really feel a difference after a week of doing them.

    I didn’t stick with it but this most was a gentle reminder from the Universe to get on it again.

  • Great post thanks for sharing and explained to the point including all the important facts of yoga and looking forward for more forms of yoga.

  • Hi, I have tried hatha yoga and pranayam myself and they really work!
    Well Thumbs up for the post!!!

  • Excellent sumary of what is Yoga! I practice Yoga every day and it is for me an endless ressource of peace. It is for me the best way to balance body and mind.

  • I have practiced Hatha yoga for a year and then left it. I can see the difference. I was in much better shape when I was doing it. Gotta start it again 🙂

  • Yoga is much more than “a new-found ability to touch your toes.” Asanas have an all-pervading effect on the physical and mental functioning of the body.

  • I love yoga. It is great for toning, strengthening, and increasing flexibility. Many overlook the importance of flexibility in overall physical fitness. Flexibility is just as important as strength and cardio endurance. Particularly as we age because it helps us to have an increased range of mobility and decreases or chance of injury. However, like with any form of exercise, when you are just starting out be careful not to push yourself into poses you are not ready to do yet. Listen to your body and be patient.

  • Howy:

    When I took up yoga a few years ago, my friends and family thought I went crazy. A few months later, when they saw how it helped tone my body and transform my mentality, they joined me on the classes 🙂 The key is to take it slow and listen to your body. It will take you months to gain the flexibility required for more advanced poses.

  • I have started yoga two years back and now I find myself more energetic physically and mentally,now it is a part of my life.

    The above post also clear my doubts regarding Yoga ,very well written blog and this will help others to be more close towards yoga.